18 December 2009

A Very Bad Blogger

Holy reindeer. Christmas is a WEEK away. Seriously. Today's post will be similar to a MadLib, except without the blanks for nouns and verbs. And totally wacky in order and substance. Consider that your warning. And let's get on with our pictoral story.

Remember this special birthday?
Following that birthday, I started my Christmas cards. Ooohh, opps, I can't show you that photo yet - they haven't all arrived at their destinations.

Yes, a little late beginning, but it's not my fault. I moved, I hosted Thanksgiving. I co-designed my mom's Christmas cards (funny story, I'd show you a photo of her card, it uses Dasher and Pattern Pines, but she sent ME a STORE BOUGHT card. Seriously, that's how I rate.)

Oh, and we made over 100 of these

Wedding Invitations. During Thanksgiving - instead of my Christmas cards. You'll have to stop back next spring to see the entire get-up. Black and white, and glorious ribbon. There's place cards and programs, invites, and RSVP cards! Ohhhh la la.

Another Christmas tradition, are these.
Me like cookies. Dozens and dozens of cookies. For neighbors, coworkers, family. My kitchen hasn't seen a clean sink in DAYS. My boyfriend hasn't had a homecooked dinner in DAYS. Poor fella. And see those little baggies - those are the cello bags filled with MUDDY BUDDIES. Cinched with a scrap of polka dot Soft Suede Ribbon. Need a last minute gift? Make muddy buddies because (1) chocolate (2) butter (3) peanut butter (if that's your thing) (4) cereal. It's quick and amazing and one batch makes 9 cups. These are about 1 cup bags. I needed multiple batches, but again, it's OK, it takes less than 10 minutes from beginning to bagging.

And in between all that chaos, I've been hanging out here

Trying to get these to run

But that's not working, so I sit in here
Fortunately, these ones are running properly (that makes Sherri happy)

Oh, and don't forget this stuffThis is where I froze my hiney off yesterday in this ice cold room for hours on end. My feet still haven't thawed :(

Dear Santa,
Please bring me boot socks. Big heavy ones to keep my toes toasty.

Frozen Feet in MD

(I warned you there'd be no rhyme or reason to todays posting)
My crafting desk looks like this

See, there's two tables. Two. One for me, and one for you. And I can expand. There's room for more tables. Neato. So come on over, join me for a crop. Bring some chick flicks to put in the DVD player. That's how I roll. And I'll be rolling all winter long right here.

And I meant to share you the new crafting space. The basement has a finished and an unfinished portion. The tables and such are in the finished portion. The shelves and this chaos is neatly tucked behind a door in the unfinished portion.


The old system was more built-in. Whereas these (inexpensive baskets and shelves) are transportable, movable, rearrangable. They'll work in almost any configuration. Which means, one day, when we move again, I'm ready. Sorta. But the thought of moving makes me want to cry. The baskets are the cheap-o ones - all labeled with my P-touch.

But now this is in the forecast for this weekend

So no calm. No relaxation. No finishing my weeks of LAUNDRY.

And we're traveling here.

So we're leaving

And that means I will not have time tonight to edit the posts or pack, or finish my laundry. We're going for 10 days.
Our car will look like this
because I require time to organize and pack. I can't throw stuff in a bag; it's not in my body. What if I forget socks? Or the baby. Well, I don't have a baby - because if I had one, I might FORGET it! See?

So I'm off to travel home, to eat moms cookin', to be merry. Maybe I'll get a little rest (probably not). If you're in my hometown, call me - we can visit! I'll be back with posts. Soon. I promise. Mostly because I'm running out of days to show you Christmas things and I'd hate them to go to waste. They're cute. And be prepared for Valentines Day posts soon thereafter.

Snow Traveler,

1 comment:

Alice said...

Happy Travels Sherri! Hope you made it home safely! You aren't missing anything here it is over a foot in Bethesda!


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