
22 November 2010

Sale! Sale! Sale! Sale!

Hi friends.  Good Monday morning to ya.  I'm very excited because this is a SHORT week and I get to spend time with my family!  The second reason I'm so excited is because Stampin' Up! just announced some AMAZING sales (valid thru 11/30).  CLICK ON THE IMAGES BELOW TO OPEN LARGER IN A NEW WINDOW!  This will stay on the right-hand side of the menu at so you can find it easy! 

Have you designed your holiday cards?  There's still plenty of time to take advantage of this sale and get some new rubber and cardstock for your cards.  (May I suggest Cherry Cobbler?  It's such a wonderfully vibrant red!).  

Make your wish list and have your friends, family, husbands shop from me and make sure you get the perfect gift under the tree.  Tell the husbands, I include the wrapping for them!  (wink!)

And remember, these are great gifts to give too, even for non-paper crafters.  Check out the Decor Elements or Simply Adorned jewelry! 

Have fun shopping and call or email me with ANY QUESTIONS.  (I'm off to make my wish list right now!)


20 November 2010

House Keeping This and That

Let me know if you see any missing links.  I changed the background today and worked on some new sidebar widgets!  If you're reading this in a reader or your email, click the header to go to my page to check it out. 

Please look for a special announcement on Monday (11/22) about some deep-discounted products and earning FREE SHIPPING! 

Also, I'd like to send a shout out to my new friends from PA!  Thanks for stopping by Sweetest Designs. 

Have a great afternoon.

11 November 2010

A Great Time to become a Demonstrator...

Starting November 15, and lasting until November 30, 2010, new recruits (that could be you!) can purchase the Standard or Digital + Starter Kits for only $87.50--that is 50 percent off the regular price of $175 for over $310 worth of paper or digital crafting and business supplies!

Beyond the signup and the neat-o starter kit there's no other obligation.  You do not return the kit contents if you decide not to pursue demonstratorship.  That means you're getting $310 worth of supplies for $87.50. 

If you have any questions, please contact me!  I'd love to answer your questions.

And don't worry....I'm coming back to blogging.  I have so many projects and photos to share with you I'm about ready to burst! 
